AWN #GivingTuesday 2019

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network (AWN)
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Resources for Autistic women, girls, nonbinary people & all others of marginalized genders.


raised by 9 people

$1,500 goal

#GivingTuesday is here! So, what have we been up to at AWN & how will your donation support our work? Here's a few highlights of what we're accomplishing, as well as our goals for the New Year!

  1. AWN is proud to provide ongoing support to Autistic and disabled community members who run Neurodiversity Lending Libraries. We have provided thousands of dollars in grants and books to date for these lending libraries to offer books & materials, as well as host events in their local communities. Your generous donation to AWN will help us continue providing grants to these amazing and much needed libraries!

  2.  AWN has an ongoing Health Provider Survey with a linked database listing intimate care providers.  These providers offer sensory friendly and accessible health care.

  3. AWN fiscally sponsors the Autistic People of Color Fund (APOC) which provides individual direct financial support to autistic people of color through micro-grants. To date, over $13,000 in grants have been given to almost 100 Autistic people and families.

  4. We have exciting plans in 2020 to host book reading events which will feature different anthology chapter contributors as panelists. These contributors will discuss their chapters from our two publications: “What Every Autistic Girl Wishes Her Parents Knew” & “All the Weight of Our Dreams: on living racialized autism.”

  5. With generous community support, AWN will continue to host disability & autism acceptance events, seminars and conferences, all with the focus on multiply marginalized disabled people.

    Our community meetups provide social gathering and community connection. AWN's programming primarily focuses on educational events, as well as gatherings in various geographic areas.

  6. AWN is the proud fiscal intermediary for the Disability Intersectionality Summit (DIS). This biennial summit centers the experiences and knowledge of multiply marginalized LGBTQIA disabled people of color by featuring them as the conference speakers and educators.

  7. AWN co-hosts the Autistics Present Symposium at Bellevue College. APC is a one-day conference centering Autistic people as the conference speakers, and is organized by Sara Gardner.

    Thousands of people have benefited from these in-person events to date, and because many of the event talks are videotaped, disabled people, their families, educators, and professionals continue to benefit every day.

  8. Our newest AWN fiscal intermediary sponsorship is helping to build the work around the Indigenous grassroots efforts of Crushing Colonialism (CC).

    CC is doing groundbreaking work around disability related issues facing Native Communities. Their mission is to uplift and tell the stories of Indigenous people through multi-media work while supporting those doing the work. Their collective is founded and operated by Indigenous people working in a variety of media fields across the world. They work to increase the pay and employment of Indigenous media makers while also promoting their work, providing funding for media projects, and increasing access to professional representation. In doing this, Crushing Colonialism is able to control their narratives in order to crush colonialism.

Please let us know if you want your contribution to go towards any of our specific programs by adding a note to your gift; we'll make sure your donation is attributed to the work you want to support!

The mission of Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network (AWN) is to provide community, support, and resources for Autistic women, girls, nonbinary people, and all others of marginalized genders.

Any support ($5, $10, $15) or sharing our fundraiser with others is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Giving Activity


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