Pride Book Programming at Gardner Pilot Academy

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$5,000 Goal

Project Goal:

Gardner Pilot Academy (GPA) is seeking $5,000 to purchase current, relevant LGBTQIA+ books to be distributed among each of our 20 classroom libraries, for almost 400 students in pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade. 

Adding these LGBTQIA+ inclusive books to our libraries will:

*Increase the frequency of natural exposure to the diversity of our community for all of our students, allowing students to see characters that reflect their own identities, or those of their friends, families, or members of their communities. 

*Demonstrate for our students who are queer, questioning, and/or gender diverse that they are part of a vibrant and long legacy of the LGBQIA+ community.   This visibility seeks to proclaim and reflect that these students are seen and valued--in legacy, in their present, and in the future.  

*Enhance curriculum to be more inclusive to support the mental health of children and teens who are LGBTQIA+.

Since 2019, the Pride Book Project (PBP) has been working with our community to introduce LGBTQIA+ stories, characters, and histories into the classrooms at GPA. Our goal is to change the story of marginalization for LGBTQIA+ students, staff, families, and community members.  The  PBP aims to increase our sphere of influence over the 2022-2023 school year by becoming a sustaining presence at GPA and by laying the groundwork to expand into additional schools.  This funding of $5,000 will be critical to our efforts to reach more students and to deepen our impact across the school community. 

Why LGBTQIA+ books are needed: 

Representation matters.

Students who see themselves, their peers, or their families as an accepted norm have more success at growing into secure, healthy, and respectful community members.  These books are a crucial tool for educators as we work to reduce discrimination and victimization based on gender identity and/or sexual orientation.  

Students primarily utilize in-class libraries for access to new books,  which are  developed by donations and by out-of-pocket purchases by the classroom educators.  This has resulted in a vast shortage of current books that reflect characters and stories from the LGBTQIA+ community.

How the funds will be utilized:

A team of readers composed of educators and community members, including an independent Boston-based bookseller, will choose and exemplary selection of grade level texts for each library.  All labor is on a volunteer basis; 100% of funds raised will go to the purchase of books.  

About GPA:

Gardner Pilot Academy is proud to be one of only 18 schools in the country to have received the prestigious Seal of Excellence from the Human Rights Campaign. This award reflects our commitment to being a LGBTQIA+ inclusive school, to preventing bias-based bullying, and to supporting transgender and non-binary students.  It reflects years of professional development and passion, in addition to a readiness of our staff to learn, grow, and educate.

Gardner Pilot Academy is ready for the conversations that these texts will facilitate.  We are ready to support all of our students and families to be proud, strong, and healthy members of society. 

Organization Data


Organization name

Pride Book Programming at Gardner Pilot Academy

Tax id (EIN)

