"EAT IT UP" Buff Faye: Support Campus Pride

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

.Campus Pride for LGBTQ+ Youth
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Help Buff Faye give $10+ to support Campus Pride for LGBTQ Youth; Let's make a positive difference!


raised by 52 people

$3,000 goal

Buff Faye is the former 2019-20 titleholder for National Entertainer of the Year (EOY), FI. She is proud to be an active, visible leader in her community. Please help in giving $10+ this Pride Month to help the valuable work of Campus Pride (www.CampusPride.org)


WHO GIVE $10 EACH (UP TO $2500)


Throughout the month of June, Campus Pride is engaged in a friendly fundraising competition with other LGBTQ+ nonprofits. Whichever organization gets the most unique donations of $10 or more, wins the Give OUT Day Grand Prize - a $10,000 grant, which will help us reach more students with more resources than ever before!

About Campus Pride

Since 2001, Campus Pride has been the leading national organization building future LGBTQ and ally leaders as well as creating safer communities at colleges and universities. The Campus Pride Index annually helps 80,000 people find LGBTQ-inclusive colleges and universities.  In addition, the organization has specifically tailored programs and resources to support LGBTQ youth and campus communities. Learn more at CampusPride.org.

What We Do? 

Your contribution supports our work: 

  • Student resources. Campus Pride catalogs LGBTQ-friendly policies at more than 1,400 schools across the country. Students and prospective students can easily access our research at the Campus Pride Index, the HBCU Policy Clearinghouse, and the Trans Policy Clearinghouse for free, thanks to our generous supporters.

  • Camp Pride. Camp Pride is the premier national training academy for social justice and grassroots activism for LGBTQ and ally young adults at colleges and universities. Registration is now open for 2023's session this July.

  • Safe Space and Stop the Hate Trainings. Campus Pride's nationally-recognized training programs support colleges and universities in their efforts to make campuses safer and more welcoming to LGBTQ people.

  • Campus Pride Career Connect goes beyond the traditional jobs board or career fair, offering employers the opportunity to help mentor and develop the LGBTQ talent of tomorrow. 

  • Social Justice Mini-Grants for Student Leaders. Campus Pride launched this new initiative for student leaders to apply for mini-grants to help further their work to make their campus safer and more welcoming for LGBTQ people. We'll be announcing recipients this Pride Month!

  • Campus Pride Map. The Campus Pride Map is the largest, most up-to-date resource of its kind, expanding daily to add new resources to support LGBTQ students across the country.

With your contribution of $10 or more from June 1 - June 28, you help Campus Pride get closer to winning the Give OUT Day first-place grant of $10,000, and help reach more students with more programming and resources than ever before!

This fundraiser supports

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.Campus Pride for LGBTQ+ Youth

Organized By Buff Faye

Use of Funds

Giving Activity
