The Pay It No Mind Challenge

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Ali Forney Center
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An independent Fitness Challenge to Honor the Life and Legacy of Marsha P. Johnson & Sylvia Rivera


raised by 11 people

$500 goal

Our goal is to encourage people to learn about the history of New York Pride, get moving, and raise some money while we do it!

To complete the challenge, you commit to doing the following workout between June 28th, the day the police raid at the Stone Wall Inn occurred sparking the Stone Wall Riots, and July 6th, the day Marsha died under suspicious circumstances. Please time the workout and donate the time it took to complete all rounds to The Ali Forney Center, an organization in NY whose mission is to “protect LGBTQ youths from the harms of homelessness and empower them with the tools needed to live independently.” 

So, what's the Workout? 

The Workout:

6 rounds of:

      28 Air squats

      24 Jumping jacks

      17 Push-Ups

      6 Burpees

Take the total time it takes to you complete the workout and donate that money to The Ali Forney Center.

The Meaning Behind the Workout

June (6) was when The Stonewall Riots began on the (28)th of that month.

Stonewall and the growth of the LGBTQ+ rights movement was led by Queer women of color, Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson who were (17) and (24) are the time of the riots.

The riots lasted (6) days

Functional Fitness Variation(with weights):

6 rounds of:

      28 DB Front squats

      24 Double-Unders

      17 Push-Ups

     6 Devils press

HIIT Variation:

6 rounds of:

      28 Jumping squats

      24 Plank Jacks

      17  Box step-ups

      6 Burpees

Partner Workout Options:

Option 1: You go/I go, and double the rounds…so each person completes 6 rounds

Option 2: You go/I go, and keep the rounds the same so each person completes 3 total rounds

Option 3: Split the reps in each round as needed for a total of 6 rounds

Running Variation:

Option 1: Run/Walk 1,969 meters (1.2 Miles) to signify the year the Stonewall Riots occurred in NYC

Option 2: Run/Walk 6 miles in honor of the month of June or Pride Month

Why Pay It No Mind?

We are pushing for people to fight for what is right, and educate themselves on the state of the world we live in, so why choose a passive phrase? 

The middle initial in Marsha P. Johnson’s name stands for Pay It No Mind. It is our hope that this name will inspire people who see it to not only research the life and legacy of these icons who were integral activists in the Gay Liberation movement but also inspire people to educate themselves on the struggles the LGBTQ+ communities continue to face today and how they can help.

This fundraiser supports

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The Ali Forney Center

Organized By Milly Millhauser

Giving Activity
