Bryan's GiveOUT Day fundraiser for Equality VA

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Equality Virginia
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Please support Equality Virginia for Give OUT Day. A donation of just $10 is all I'm asking for.


raised by 7 people

$300 goal

Why do I live in Virginia? Because this is my home, my family and community should feel safe here, and I can't always say that is true. In fact, not all of the LGBTQ+ community feels safe at all. I’m here to join the fight making this place a safe and inclusive place for everyone. Equality Virginia is leading that fight.

I’m proud to be on the Board of Equality Virginia whose mission is to build a Virginia where all LGBTQ+ people have the safety to thrive. Equality Virginia advocates and organizes across Virginia to build a future where all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ+) people are free to be who they are without fear of discrimination.

Whether you live in VA or not, I am asking for your support of this organization for Give OUT Day. A donation of just $10 is all i’m asking for. Help make a better VA for everyone!

And before you say “I’ll donate next year!” Horizons Foundation recently announced that 2024 will be the LAST year for GiveOUT Day, so let’s make it count!

This fundraiser supports

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Equality Virginia

Organized By Bryan Price

Giving Activity