Nicole's Fundraiser for OutCasting Media

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Media for the Public Good - OutCasting Media
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Support OutCasting Media this Pride. Take it from me, an alum of the show. Check out my story below!


raised by 6 people

$500 goal

More info!

Update posted 4 years ago

Hi there! I'm Nicole. Welcome to my Give OUT Day 2021 fundraising page for OutCasting Media.

OutCasting is public radio's LGBTQ+ youth program that educates an audience that may be receptive but generally unaware of LGBTQ+ topics and issues. 

I was a youth volunteer OutCaster when I was in high school (nearly a decade ago!), and it made a huge impact on my life. OutCasting was fun, inspiring, and educational.

Working on this show created space for me to explore my capabilities in production, as well as provided a supportive and open environment to figure out exactly who I am. As teenagers, we often have thoughts like, "I'm 16, I'm grown, I know everything I need to know about myself." The OutCasting studio encourages youth volunteers to be their authentic selves, as well as to look inward, to learn, and to grow. 

The show tackles LGBTQ+ topics and issues from a youth perspective. OC Creator & Producer Marc Sophos teaches the OutCasters how to dissect and understand laws and litigation, how to do their own research, and how to clearly present that information to a broad audience, all while providing opportunities to speak directly with real people with real stories, many of whom are experts in their fields.

I'll be populating this page throughout June to show you all more about OutCasting and my personal experience there.

Pride Month is the perfect time to give, and I can assure you that OutCasting Media is a worthy organization.

This fundraiser supports

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Media for the Public Good - OutCasting Media

Organized By Nicole Schwaninger

Giving Activity