Open Door Give OUT Day
$1,345 Raised
The core ministry of Open Door Ministries is to help more churches become welcoming and affirming to LGBTQ people. Much of our work is done with Lutheran churches and this process in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) is called becoming “Reconciling In Christ.”
Open Door Ministries also encourages and supports the Church and its members as they address issues of human sexuality and biblical interpretations. We provide congregational presentations and preaching, training, and seminars.
Open Door Ministries provides counseling and referral services for youth and families who are learning about sexual orientation and gender identity. We often rely on our Community Partners as referral services.
Open Door Ministries provides counseling and referral services for those with HIV and AIDS, cancer, and other health concerns, ministering to those in hospitals and those living independently. This support may be in the form of individual counseling sessions, hospital visits, classes, or workshops. Open Door also works with other health-related issues and provides support for those facing hospice and end-of-life care.
Open Door Ministries provides pastoral care and support to the families, friends, and churches of people with these health concerns as they deal with questions, decisions, grief, and personal needs.
A ministry of the NW Washington Synod of the ELCA.
For all faith communities to welcome and celebrate LGBTQ+ people so together we can experience God’s love.
Creating a SPACE of respect, love and mutuality between the LGBTQ+ and faith communities through
Service – Establishing connections among church and LGBTQ+ community; provide counselling, referral services and fostering reform
Partnerships – Partnering with related organization to support LGBTQ+ communities
Advocacy – Creating safe spaces between communities, churches and LGBTQ+ people
Care – Supporting LGBTQ+ individuals in matters of identity, faith, relationship, family and health
Education – Providing education to and promoting faith communities that are welcoming and open to sexual minorities and all gender identities, their families and friends.
Organization name
Open Door Ministries ELCA
Tax id (EIN)
4306 132ND ST SE