Open Door Give OUT Day

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Open Door Ministries ELCA
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Help Pastor Rick advocate for LGBTQ+ individuals and provide educational opportunities for churches


raised by 11 people

$50,000 goal

Open Door Ministries is thrilled to join the national Give OUT Day 2020 fundraising campaign for LGBTQ organizations and with your help, we can make a huge difference together!

We believe that LGBTQ ministry, advocacy, and support is a life-saving mission EVERY year and is even more important during times of collective stress, illness, and grief that we are all experiencing as we navigate living with COVID19, unprecedented impacts of racism, and our national political stress.

In all of this, Open Door Ministries is still going strong. We have a renewed Vision and Mission in 2020.  We continue to be laser focused on supporting the LGBTQ community, partnering with local churches, and promoting equality and justice. We know that so many in the LGBTQ community are struggling right now and we also know that many of our supporters and ministry partners want to help. 

Ministry Needs

Many folks in the LGBTQ+ community in this area are employed in the service industry in bars, restaurants, hotels and are not only facing health concerns, but they are also struggling financially because of layoffs and furloughs. Some of our older LGBTQ+ friends are living in isolation or in situations that may not be optimal. Young adults may now be needing to move back into homes that are less than accepting of their gender identity or sexual orientation. People are grieving those who have died because of COVID-19. LGBTQ+ people of color and black LGBTQ+ folks are experiencing all these challenges along with the realities of systemic racism and discrimination. Immigrant LGBTQ+ folks face other unique risks, especially those who are undocumented.  In addition to these current realities, we know that pastors, church members, and family members still need help answering questions about gender identity and sexual orientation, guiding congregations through the process of becoming open and affirming,  and also supporting people who are wanting to come out.

Our Work

Pastor Rick, the board of directors, church liaisons, and active members of Open Door Ministries have continued to minister to these many needs. We have been attending virtual services for our Reconciling in Christ churches so their members know we are still providing ministry support and other assistance. We continue to provide resources and referrals for individuals, connecting them with partner LGBTQ+ organizations that can best help with needs such as housing and food insecurity. We are providing grief support, individual counseling, opportunities for connection, and other community engagement opportunities.

Your Support is Greatly Needed

Every year, Open Door Ministries has an auction and gala to raise the funds we need for our ministry. This year we don’t know if that is going to be able to happen. This is yet another reason why we are hoping to make the Give OUT Day fundraising campaign a big success. Will you become a donor today? Will you consider starting your own fundraiser (click here) to support our Give OUT Day efforts? You could even start an ODM fundraiser for your church, family, or other group!

We love you and are so grateful for all the ways you support this ministry and share God’s love and welcome to God’s LGBTQ children.

Peace and Blessings,

Pastor Rick & The Board of Directors

Open Door Ministries

Giving Activity